NSD Review
poster presentation about my graduate research at LBNL Nuclear Science Director's Review (pdf)
NSD Newsletter
LBNL Nuclear Science Division Newsletter featuring my results presented at the Quark Matter Conference 2012 in Washington, D.C. (pdf)
QM 2012
Poster Presentation at Quark Matter Conference 2012 in Washington, D.C. (pdf)
RBRC Thermal Radiation Workshop at Brookhaven National Laboratory (pdf)
Nuclei and the Cosmos
Seminar Talk about Gamma Ray Bursts, TU Munich (pdf)
International School for High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, CCNU, Wuhan, China (pdf)
DPG Spring Mtg 2011
Dielectron Production at Spring Meeting of German Physical Society (pdf)
CPOD Workshop 2011
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, CCNU Wuhan, China (pdf)
Embedding Deputy
STAR Embedding Deputy
QM 2011
Quark Matter 2011, Annecy, France
ROOT Analyses with Automake/Autoconf, LBNL, USA
QM 2012
Results presented in Parallel Session, Washington D.C.